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Targeting the True Decision Makers: Strategic Marketing Approaches for Renewable Energy Companies

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Renewable electricity capacity additions surged nearly 50% in 2023, in what the IEA called a 'step change' for renewable power generation. 

The world's sustained focus on decarbonisation, governmental incentives, and the push for robust ESG strategies across organisations is raising the tide for renewable energy companies across the supply chain. 

However, with this progress comes increased competition. The market is becoming crowded, and differentiation is critical. 

Companies need effective marketing that targets the correct stakeholders to stand out. Yet, as our research last year revealed, the renewable industry lags behind other sectors in creating smooth customer journeys and meaningful digital experiences for the diverse decision-makers who must green-light renewable solutions.

Let's explore how effective marketing can speak to these decision-makers and move the needle for renewable energy companies seeking to ride the wave of the energy revolution.

Step 1: Identifying the True Decision Makers

The decision-makers that renewable energy companies target of course, vary according to the sector and supply chain phase they operate in, and could include government bodies, corporate procurement officers, investors, and even end consumers. 

Each group has different priorities and motivations, so a one-size-fits-all marketing approach won't work. Therefore, it's essential to clearly define your target audience and deeply understand their goals, their challenges - and how you solve them.

Once you've identified who you are talking to, it's vital to plan how you will communicate with them: think person-to-person, not business-to-business. 

Why? Because personalisation makes a difference. 

Research indicates that around 73% of B2B executives firmly believe that personalising marketing efforts is essential due to their audience's increased expectations. 

Messaging needs to be customised to resonate with your decision makers' challenges, goals, and interests. Personalised emails, website content, and case studies tailored to them enhance engagement, build brand trust, and forge stronger connections with your audience.

But, before a company leaps into content creation - a plan is needed.  

Step 2: Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

According to the Content Marketing Institute, only 40% of marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. 

A lack of strategy means that the marketing content these brands produce - posts for social media, blogs, newsletters - is unplanned, ad hoc, and will feel incohesive to a decision maker, potentially breaking that all-important trust in the brand. 

A content marketing strategy is vital for success. It is a blueprint to build brand presence and authority, where every piece of content contributes to a defined broader business goal, driving real results rather than just generating noise.

An excellent place to start when considering the content that will connect with the decision-makers in your market is to evaluate the 'journey' the decision-maker takes, where they are in their decision-making process, and the touchpoints they will meet with your company at each phase. 

Let's dive in. 

Content to Fuel The Buyer's Journey 

1. Discovery Phase (Awareness)

At this stage, potential customers are just starting to realise they have a problem or need and are exploring their options. The goal is for your marketing content to attract attention and educate people without overtly selling to them. 

Our research shows a strong correlation between discovery phase performance and overall success. Four of the top-performing companies in our B2B Customer Journey Analysis were among the best in the discovery phase, underscoring the power of an effective digital presence.

Your content must be useful, engaging, and compelling. As one B2B marketer stated in a recent survey, "We're never only competing with other B2B content. We've always been competing for attention."

The most successful brands produce content in the discovery phase that is varied and of value and differentiates the brand: social posts that use multimedia - video, images, infographics; impact campaigns like webinar events, downloadable tools, or industry white papers.  

2. Consideration Phase (Evaluation)

Here, potential buyers compare options to determine the best solution. Your content should showcase your expertise and build trust: in-depth content is best at this stage.  

Case Studies

Case studies are a must: providing concrete examples of success, building trust and showing real-world effectiveness. 

In terms of delivering results, case studies top the same list of the most effective content marketing assets, with 53% of content marketers saying case studies/customer stories—and videos—deliver some of their best results. 

Almost as many named thought leadership white papers and research reports as creating impact - both excellent content types for explaining and demystifying aspects of a renewable energy company's technology. 


In terms of getting the message out there, most B2B marketers in the recent Content Marketing Institute survey point to webinars (51%) as the best channel to distribute the company's messaging. 

This is great news for renewable energy marketing, as a webinar allows a deep dive into complex topics, like technical specifications or grants, but in a personal way and a less formal style than a report. 

Webinars are interactive, so potential customers can ask questions in real-time, helping them feel more informed and confident in their decision-making. In addition, they can show the human face of your team, building relationships with the attendees on the call and leading them ever closer to conversion. 

3. Conversion Phase (Decision-Making)

At this point, prospects are ready to make a decision. Content should focus on removing any final doubts. 

Customer testimonials, which 92% of business buyers read before purchasing, can be highly persuasive. 

Including calls to action for a free discovery call on your website or emails can convert interest into commitment, encouraging prospects to engage with your sales team.

In summary, your content should align with the customer's decision-making process at every stage of the buyer's journey, smoothly guiding them toward choosing your solution.

Step 3: Developing Industry Authority

Education is more powerful than advertising in the renewable energy sector. 

According to Salesforce, nearly 90% of buyers want salespeople to act as advisors who guide them through purchasing decisions. This is particularly true in renewables, where new technology and concepts must be clearly explained and where misunderstandings and misconceptions abound. 

Being unafraid to position your company and, perhaps more importantly, key members of your team, as experts - as thought leaders - develops a robust reputation for your brand. 

Content marketing assets like ready reckoners, online tools, webinars, white papers, and blogs support the development of authority in a sector: consistency around the distribution of these content types will build your brand a community. 

Taking it further, in-person or online networking, such as participating in industry forums or attending trade events as part of a broader marketing strategy to educate buyers, helps demonstrate both confidence and expertise. 

Together, content marketing and active engagement with the sector you want to stand out in position your brand and team as an authority on your technology: an indispensable information source that will ultimately influence the decision-makers who will sign off on your solution.  

Wildtribe: Strategic Focus and Expert Guidance

Targeting the actual decision-makers in the renewable energy industry requires a nuanced approach that combines content marketing, digital strategies, building authority and developing a community around your brand. 

By focusing on your audience, employing creativity and empathy, and maintaining a strategic vision, marketing efforts can support your company's growth - helping you get heard above the noise of your competitors. 

We are a specialist renewable marketing agency delivering strategic support and quality content for our renewable clients at all ends of the supply chain. 

Book a call with our team to discuss expert renewable energy marketing to achieve your business goals.